Handy Links for Busy People

Print this page & keep it handy. I did. That's
one reason I put it on this site. A number of
useful links in this list. Enjoy!

Blockbuster Video
I bookmarked this site because when the family wants to see a movie,
this is the best way to pick one before suffering through a trip to the store.

This is where my home pages live. Freeservers.com gives me free pages
that I upgraded for \\$5 a month so there aren't any banner ads. On the whole Net,
this is, in my opinion, the most user friendly spot to put your pages.
I retain full copyright to my work here. Check it out
if you're looking for a home on the Net!
suite101.com I edit "Poetry" here; there are a thousand other topics on everything from "Alternative History" to "Rodents." Great place to surf, read, and play. Salon As zines on the Net go, this one's a grandaddy by now. A slew of articles, columns, and news. Poet's Corner Comprehensive site for poetry lovers; many poems listed, several individuals collaborated on this worthy effort. Writes of the Imagination If you're looking for a writing course, this is a good online source. Prices are very modest; teachers are very qualified. ByLine Magazine The best little writer's print magazine in America. Check it out-- they pay for freelance contributions, and have contests year round. Metacrawler My favorite search engine; never lets me down. Online Dictionary and Thesaurus You plug in the url, then click on any word in your document for information. Snazzy. yourDictionary Online resource that's quick and easy; type in the word, punch a button, and you get the info. Medical Dictionary To ease the frustration of medical speak. Type in the word, click, and enlightenment arrives. Roget's Thesaurus search form When you need synonyms or antonyms in a big kind of way. National Weather Service Homepages Info on everything from forecasts to ozone reports. If you're into Mother Nature, this is a great site to visit. ClipartDownload Offers thousands of images free. You just complete a simple registration form. Seems a small thing to ask for access to art. I use their images on these pages.